Schedule Connection

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Southeast Christian Church
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God has called us to be responsible to take care of ourselves and the people around us; that is a godly thing to do. But we tend to add on things and responsibilities to our schedule without really paying attention to how much we have truly added. We don’t feel like adding more makes any difference when we do it little by little, but it makes all the difference. 

Consider this question when analyzing your current schedule: What takes up your time that is not important and not urgent? What has taken up your focus and your attention that is neither important, nor is it urgent? Many of us likely have hours and hours and hours of time that could be put into that category. So, the challenge here is to schedule relationships, schedule connections, and schedule your time with Jesus. Challenge yourself to have a standing appointment with Jesus that you're not going to miss and you make sure you keep that appointment every day. It's on the calendar – you schedule it, you keep it, you prioritize it because that's really what matters.

All of your production and the complexity of your schedule may pay off for a little while, but at what cost? Was it paid for by sacrificing connections with people you love and your Heavenly Father? We have to stop and think about the simple truth that Jesus says to Martha about Mary in Luke 10. “She has chosen what is better and it won't be taken from her.” In his response, Jesus is saying Mary’s decision is better because it lasts forever. What she's doing here is better than what Martha is doing because her time with Jesus is something that she will experience benefits from the rest of her existence in this life and in eternity.

Jesus doesn't want more and more from you. Jesus wants more and more of you. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: When will you schedule and prioritize your daily time to connect and listen to Jesus?

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