Divine Detours

Southeast Christian Church
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When reflecting back on his life, Genesis 50:19-20 tells us, “But Joseph said to them [his brothers], ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’” Joseph realizes that God brought him to this place on purpose. He has reframed his troubles and recognizes that his troubles were actually God's transportation to bring him to this particular place.

How would that look like in your life? Joseph could have looked at the detours in his life and been filled with regret. He could have spent the rest of his life living with shame and guilt, because of his lack of wisdom when he was young. He could have spent the rest of his life on this detour, blaming himself for decisions he made when he was a young man and didn't know better. He could have looked at his detour and been filled with bitterness. He could have done that, but then he would have missed out on what God had for him. 

Joseph never saw himself as a victim. Having the attitude of a victim makes it really difficult to reframe what God might be trying to do that's new and different. As long as you're a victim, you're not going to see your troubles as transportation; you're going to sit right where you are and feel sorry for yourself. Now, that doesn't mean there isn't a time to be sad or a time to grieve. It doesn't mean that you are not a victim. It means that at some point to align your life with God's will, you've got to reframe some of those things. You begin to see how God wants to use those detours to bring you to a good destination. God wants your trouble to become his transportation for a different destination. 

Reflection/Discussion Question: When in your life has it been easy to be the victim instead of reframing your perspective to see how God was transporting you?

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