I have a friend at work and she isnt a Christian while I am recently born again. I have been trying to subtly bring her to Jesus and invite her to church. A couple weeks ago one of my churchleaders gave me the money she got from the church and while I didnt need the money I think God knew how I was struggling with my anxiety and depression and sent her to me to let me know that someone cares. It was a moment where I didnt know what I needed until it was given to me. I didnt want to just spend it so I have been carrying it with me everywhere so I could also pass it to someone who needed it. I came into work today and she was in a bad mood upset about a lot of things that have not been going her way and I felt like in that moment I was told to give it to her. So I explained how it had come to me and while she may not need it to pay for anything I wanted her to know that someone out here cares and that God still loves her.


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  • Shannon Cunningham

    Shannon Cunningham

    How beautiful! As a therapist, this kind of support is SO crucial for healing and managing mental health symptoms!!