Waitresses are usually that faceless person who scribbles down your order and you never give them a second thought. We rarely go to our local restaurant but last night we went to dinner. We recognized our waitress from a long time ago. We exclaimed our happiness to see her again. It had been 1.5 years. Later after our check, I asked about her story and how was she affected by our wildfire in 2020? She was able to talk about how scary it was in the 50 mph winds and crashing trees. The evacuation and having to leave the cat behind. Her neighbors house burned down, but after 1 month evacuation, she found her house still standing. It is very healing to be amble to talk about the experience. We told her our fire story and how God has always been faithful and will continue to provide for us even in our uncertain house situation. We all were grateful how God always cares for us in every situation. We gave her a double tip to bless her day.


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  • Joe Douthitt

    Joe Douthitt

    A Devine appointment!