so I hang out with my friends and my friends are not right with god and I know I should stay out of the friend ship but I will have no one I mean i do have some friends at church and I think that god put me there with them because a it is a healthy relationship and b I think it was a thing that god put in my life because it was apart of his plan I need help on listening to god and his plans for me because I am to filled with anger all the time but I still take time with god and ask him to help me and my anger


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  • Tammy Nikolas

    Tammy Nikolas

    Hi Rylan! Hang in there, God has you. When I feel overwhelmed or angry or just need some peace, I pray or read a passage in the Bible. It helps me to calm down. I would encourage that for you. I also downloaded “The Chosen” App and the show has helped me learn more about Jesus, I love it.
  • Joe Douthitt

    Joe Douthitt

    "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13 Rylan, I would agree with Tammy, reading Scripture (the Bible) give me peace, grace and wisdom. "Proverbs" are are filled with wisdom; "Psalms" are filled with prayers and peace for you heart and mind. And, all Scripture is full of God's grace and mercy. I will keep you in my prayers in the days ahead, that you will be a blessing to your friends.
  • Jana Robinson

    Jana Robinson

    Rylan, wow! I think God is already working in you. You were brave enough to put all of that out there. Good on you! It’s a super scary thing to let go of personal connections in our lives sometimes even if we know it’s for the best but that is what’s awesome about God. He’s right there waiting to meet us in those places where we just don’t know how we’re going to get through. You have some great advice and scripture from others here. I will pray for you as well. 🙏🏼😁
  • Rylan  humphreys

    Rylan humphreys

    thanks for the encouragement I appreciate it and most of my friends don't like what in doing because I am 11 and they think that it is dumb
  • Susan Humphreys

    Susan Humphreys

    Keep being the amazing young man you are Rylan Alexander! God has BIG plans for you buddy!
  • Beverly Popham

    Beverly Popham

    What an awesome person God has created in you. Your faith may help your friends when they need God most. Keep pursuing righteousness.
  • Rylan  humphreys

    Rylan humphreys

    they are stubborn and they are in my fifth grade class